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The Garden Of Life

I named this post ''The Garden Of Life'' to show the representation of the manifestation of life. The garden of life is beyond our imagination, but is very accurate on how we live our lives. I believe sometimes we don't realize how great life is until we have planted ourselves into the wrong soil.

I am going to begin to say we are the seeds of life!! Actually, we are the mustard seeds of life. Mustard seeds are the smallest seeds that are used to produce big results. We became the seeds when we entered into the world which is a garden. Being that we are seeds we have a sower that sown us. For those who don't believe or forgot. The sower is the starter, who is the giver of life, who is the creator of it all.

At the beginning of time, the sower said ''I am going to create seeds that will be a reflection of me.'' This garden of life will be full of good ground and good hearts. That all became true until the sower gave some control to the seeds. Since the control was given he knew there would be some seeds that wouldn't produce nor mature because they were not hearers and doers of him. He described these seeds as deaf listeners, superficial listeners and distracted listeners.

Deaf listeners are the worst listeners there can be. Deaf listeners are the ones who would hear the word over and over from the sower and never listen. Instead, they choose to listen to the wicked, and go with their own understanding about life. Superficial listeners on the other hand is different. They're the type of listeners who receive the word with great joy, but only for a little while. These listeners are known as no root listeners because when temptation strikes, they're no where to be found. Lastly, there are the distracted listeners. The distracted listeners are listeners of the sower until it's inconvenient for them.

These described listeners are the seeds that chose to be planted in the wrong soil. This is the soil of temptation and confusion which the enemy dishes out to take the focus off of the creator. It proves over and over again how lost or distracted we can be. This post takes me back to my very first post revamping your mind to empower change. If any of you by chance are one of the three listeners; It is okay. There is still time to turn a different direction and be planted in the right soil, that was originally created. First, take baby steps and develop a connection with the creator by being a hearer and a doer of him. Then, put your hope and expectation in him to never leave you nor forsake you. By doing these things he will mature you to be strong and courageous like the seed you were made to be. I hope this post inspires you and many others to pursue to want to be planted in the right soil in the garden of life. We as seeds can oversee big results!!!!

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