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Boss Up Or Get Tossed Up

We as people have this mind frame of we are all bosses or want to be viewed as someone of power. Stepping into the real world is a test I don’t think any of us could prepare for. Tracing back we didn’t know what to expect. Challenges, Accomplishments, and Fear. Are these the components of life? You are challenged to excel at moments you thought you’d never overcome, you are challenged to accomplish the beauty of life, finally you are challenged to fear what you think you can’t accomplish.

Question for us as a whole do we challenge ourselves and others to ‘’Boss up or Do we challenge to Get tossed up?’’ Before you can answer that question, let’s look at ‘’Boss up’’ to get a general meaning or standard to compare in order to answer this question. To ‘’Boss up’’ it sounds like to take matters into your own hands to reach your goal of success, it’s taking the opportunities of life and going beyond your limits on your own terms; hint the meaning ‘’Do Thangs Your Way.’’ I was listening to an interview with Master P he did for complex hustle ( The first thing he said was ‘’We live in a culture that’s a billion dollar business, but we create millionaires.’’ He goes on to talk about how we are satisfied with getting paid millions by someone, where they are making billions off of you. The way I took this was, someone offered you a piece of pie, in your eyes it’s a big piece of the pie, about 45% of it, but in reality it’s only about 15% of the pie. Instead of settling for the 15% strive to make 85%.. Another example he used was Nike signing Lebron James from the Cleveland Cavaliers to a billion dollar lifetime contract. Now a billion dollars, is a huge amount of money. According to Forbes 2016 data less than 2,000 people in this world are billionaires. Now every single person would have accepted that deal from Nike. Now that billion dollars Nike is giving Lebron is only 15% of the pie. Imagine if instead Lebron owned the product. You see the huge difference. Master P’s interview spoke so much about how we want to shift people’s mind especially with this blog. Instead of being apart of someone else’s dream and creation while scrapping the crumbs from them, why not create and get the whole loaf of bread.

That’s what ‘’Boss Up’’ is, it’s being able to strive for greatness and going beyond your limits on your own terms... Do Thangs Your Way. I believe that’s a reason many fail to boss up. They have the wrong definition of it. Today to boss up means to step your game up and get money. It means so much more than that. A boss is a person with authority, someone who tries to improve the business, the one who makes the calls and explore things that others wouldn’t. A boss aren’t afraid to let people go who stand in their way of reaching their goal. Most people just say boss up without knowing the true meaning. Another reason people don’t boss up is because they are afraid. Here’s a quote by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, ‘’ You can have ambition but not too much. You should aim to be successful but not too successful otherwise you will threaten the other.’’ When you’re living in a world where you’re discriminated against because the color of your skin, gender, religious beliefs and lifestyles, these things hold people back from reaching the full potential. Everyone was created for greatness beyond our wildest dreams, but we have allowed people and objects to hold us back far too long , we have been afraid to supersede ‘‘The Other’’. It’s time to boss up and do what you have to do in order to reach that full potential. You’re going to lose sleep, you might have to distance yourself from family for a season, you’re going to have to give up a lot of free time. Basically, its business before pleasure. So are you going to Boss Up or Get Tossed Up? - We are not a piece of the product, cause we are owning the product

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