Do Thangs Your Way. What does this mean? Where did I come up with this concept? Growing up I have seen how this worlds perception has caused many people to miss out. Missing out on reaching their maximum. Seeing how the world tries to tell us what a successful person looks like or what a successful person is. I've come to realize that their is no limit to the things you can accomplish. We don't have to accept the ceiling that people try to place us under. Do thangs your way means to go beyond our limits on our own terms. Not allowing anyone to tell us where to stop. I told myself to stop minimizing your maximum and listen to the inner being that's in you, that of the Holy Spirit. The bible says greater is he that is inside of me, than he that is in the world. It also says greater works shall we do than Jesus himself. With me being in my early 20's I can relate to the pressures of trying to be something, trying to make something out of yourself, trying everything possible to not be a failure.
With this blog I hope to inspire and push everyone to reach and supersede their own exceptions. With authentic, no sugar coded, relatable topics to help bring out the best of each other. I like to think of this as our way to hold each other accountable. ''But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light;'' I hope through this you'll get to know me more and I can't wait to see us grow together.